Experimental data for the paper "Scalable Fine-Grained Proofs for Formula Processing"

  • Barbosa, Haniel
  • Blanchette, Jasmin Christian
  • Fontaine, Pascal
Publication date
May 2017


We provide here the binary, options and experimental data for our CADE paper and the companion report. Setup The tarball containing the source code of veriT used in our experiments is available here. The command line parameters of veriT used in each of the configurations described in the paper are: Basic: "--old-processing --disable-sym --disable-simp --disable-unit-simp --disable-unit-subst-simp --disable-ackermann --disable-bclause" Extended: "--old-processing --disable-sym --disable-unit-simp --disable-unit-subst-simp --disable-ackermann --disable-bclause" Complete: "--old-processing" with proofs: "--proof=/dev/null --proof-with-sharing" with new code: remove parameter "--old-processing" The benchmarks are from the SMT-LIB cat...

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